Parental control

Child and guardian screening services

Parental Control Services

Observation of the child

The dream of every parent is a healthy and joyful childhood for their child. Parents strive for children to grow up in a safe and friendly environment that will shape them into wise and resourceful adults. Even if the child’s growing up period is filled with beautiful moments, it is accompanied by challenges that every parent tries to cope with.

At a certain stage of adolescence, rebellion can accompany when relationships with parents become difficult and this is the natural order of things. But it may also be that the child cannot cope with emotions and problems that may have much more serious consequences, e.g. the development of depression, which unfortunately takes a huge toll these days.


Your child has been behaving differently for some time, e.g. doesn’t talk about friends anymore, doesn’t say what he feels and thinks, withdraws into himself and answers questions evasively, avoids contact? You notice that his school performance has deteriorated, he comes home from school sad and stressed, he plays truant. Or maybe it has become aggressive and conflictive, or even unnaturally agitated, does not listen and does not reach any arguments, do you have the impression that everything annoys them? Do you notice that he comes home late or disappears all night? Maybe money or expensive items are lost in unexplained circumstances, or on the contrary – you find new clothes, appliances or jewelry that your child would not be able to buy with pocket money? Perhaps he spends many hours conducting Internet conversations, but when asked about it, he gets scared and closes the browser?

If you want to protect your child and find out if there have been any serious, negative changes in his life, but very carefully and discreetly – we will be happy to help. We will learn the reasons for changes in the child’s behavior to determine how you, as a wise and reasonable parent, can help your child.

Observation of a child requires great commitment and delicate, prudent action, so that no step arouses suspicion and does not betray the entire operation. We know how to approach the matter so that everything runs safely and according to plan.

Under surveillance:

  1. we will check where and how and in what company your child spends his free time outside the home, and what he does at home during your absence,
  2. we will x-ray the past and steps taken by your child’s friends, also in the criminal aspect,
  3. we will find out what he spends money on, whether he uses stimulants, e.g. alcohol, cigarettes, or narcotic substances or psychotropic substances, and whether it is accompanied by other addictions, e.g. gambling,
  4. we will determine whether your child’s partner and friends in his circle are the right company for him, and what influence they have on the child (in terms of pathological, violent and other negative behaviors) – e.g. whether he is not urged to break the law, or is it not humiliated and tormented,
  5. we will obtain the address details of your child’s friends so that in justified cases we can contact their legal guardians,
  6. we will dispel doubts about how your child spends time on the Internet (we will examine his activity on websites and social networking sites, and even if he has been a victim of harmful content or a pedophile on the Internet).

Babysitter check

Leaving a child in the care of a stranger is a difficult decision. It’s hard to trust a new nanny and you’re never sure if she’ll be able to take care of your child properly during the hours of your absence.


Fortunately, you can entrust this task – that is, choosing the best babysitter for your child – to experienced professionals – that is to us. We will obtain relevant information that will help verify the candidate for a babysitter (as well as the person already caring for your child).

Before accepting a candidate for a babysitter, we will carefully check whether the data provided in the CV are true. We will x-ray her professional background and verify previous jobs. We will examine the honesty and credibility of the person who will take care of your child. We will obtain relevant information that will help you make a decision on employment and, at your request, we will prepare a psychological profile.

Even if someone is already taking care of your child, but you want to be sure that it was the right choice, or certain events or behaviors of your child or nanny worry you – nothing is lost. We will check whether she fulfills her duties and your child is in the best hands.

Perhaps there is something about your child’s behavior that bothers you, such as sleeping poorly and crying at night, or being afraid of the babysitter. Or maybe various items disappear from the house in unexplained circumstances? You have every right to have doubts about the integrity of the person you entrust your child with and who has free access to your home. These are some red flags worth checking out.

Our actions in this regard will consist of:

  • monitoring the behavior and activities of the babysitter, using the highest quality audio and video equipment that we will discreetly place in your home – the babysitter will not be aware that she is being watched,
  • observation in the field – this is the observation of the nanny and the child outside your home, while caring for your child.

We will prepare a detailed report from the collected information. In addition, we will provide you with photo, audio and/or video materials. They can be used as evidence in court proceedings.

Checking how the child is cared for

Families break up every day and, unfortunately, it is the children who suffer the most in this situation, because it involves limiting contact with one of the parents. However, sometimes there is no other way out and the decision to break up is the best and only one that can be made.

It cannot be forgotten that the most important thing in all this is the best interests of the child. It is necessary to provide him with appropriate development – that is, stable living and financial conditions, while not forgetting about meeting his intangible needs, i.e. a sense of security.

During the divorce proceedings, the court may determine which parent the minor child is to live with. If you disagree with the court decision that granted custody to your ex-spouse or partner and want to appeal it, then hiring a private investigator is a good idea.

Observation to check how a child is cared for will make sure that your child, left in the care of the other parent, is properly cared for and safe.

We will observe, record and collect evidence in the form of photographs, audio and video recordings. We will verify whether the child grows up in friendly conditions and finds interest in the other parent and does not experience violence on his part. The material collected by us can be used in court as evidence.

Have additional questions? Need a consultation? Call!​

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