IT protection of companies

IT security services

We will check and secure the activities of your employees online

Information protection and IT security are often the foundation of the existence and operation of many enterprises. In today’s times of widespread digitization and information society, IT infrastructure is the basic asset of virtually all institutions and almost every enterprise.

Neglecting the key issue of IT security management can lead to catastrophic consequences – loss or leakage of key data on which the proper functioning of institutions and enterprises depends.

What is IT security?


Simply put, these are all activities that affect the proper operation of computer systems, networks and websites used in the company.

The security of IT systems is the certainty that the data entered into the server will remain in its original and complete version for many years (integrity) and appropriate safeguards will prevent their possible distortion or complete loss due to hacker attacks or hardware damage.

Cybersecurity also means ensuring data confidentiality, i.e. effective blocking of unauthorized connections to networks and servers and access to data only to authorized entities.

IT threats in the company

The most common IT security threats include::

  • physical damage to devices or carriers (fire, flooding, pollution, serious accident, destruction),
  • loss of services and data due to interruption of power supply, equipment failure, system overload,
  • malware, remote espionage,
  • spam, phishing,
  • file infection with viruses, worms and others,
  • offensive and illegal content,
  • eavesdropping, gathering information,
  • attack on information security,
  • burglary and attempted burglary,
  • computer fraud,
  • theft of carriers and equipment,
  • availability of resources, e.g. as a result of disclosure and recovery from discarded or reused carriers,
  • unauthorized use of devices, illegal copying and transformation of data and software,
  • and many other factors.

As you can see above, there is a huge number of threats related to IT security to which enterprises and institutions as well as private individuals are exposed. Companies from the IT, banking and human resource management industries are most vulnerable to hacker attacks and computer viruses. These industries store the widest range of data that is of particular interest to hackers: confidential personal data, financial transactions, or bank accounts. A special and most valuable target for hackers, as well as the most vulnerable to computer viruses – for obvious reasons – is the financial industry.

The principles of IT protection in the company

Keeping the protection rules is not easy, but there are a number of possibilities to protect company data and all IT resources against loss, leakage and unauthorized access:

  • the basis is good software and numerous security features, i.e. the use of private computer networks or external server rooms, managed and controlled by a trusted external company,
  • installation and ongoing updating of computer software that protects against unauthorized access (especially important in the case of people working remotely who use public computer networks),
  • the use of mechanisms and tools to detect infected files,
  • regular backups using appropriate media and tools – the final line of defense against cyber threats,
  • encryption of files and Internet passwords,
  • regular training of employees in the field of IT security in the company,
  • secure data erasure,
  • conducting security audits,

are the basic actions that can and should be taken to protect data..


IT security audit

This is the basic method to strengthen the security of IT systems in your company. The purpose of the audit is to detect weak points in the company’s IT systems.

The audit should be carried out only by trusted and experienced specialists who will detect actual and potential gaps and irregularities in software, web portals and applications, WIFI and internal network security, analyze anti-virus protection and server configurations, and verify IT procedures. A professional security audit will allow you to verify the compliance of your company’s IT systems with the requirements of the law, including the Personal Data Protection Act (GDPR).

At your request, we will perform penetration tests, i.e. controlled attacks on your company’s resources (websites, mobile applications and others). They will not cause material or financial losses in your company, but they will determine the level of security of IT systems. We will find and secure places that can be used by cybercriminals and you will make sure that the data is safe.

We can also perform social engineering tests, the main purpose of which is to check the degree of sensitivity and raise awareness as well as educate employees on the subject of threats to the company’s IT security. They usually consist of attempts to phishing confidential information or attempts to persuade you to perform actions contrary to security rules.

At the end, we will prepare a report in which we will describe in detail the actual state of the company’s IT infrastructure – its functions, technical condition and security level. We will attach a list of detected irregularities and threats that require immediate action. We will check the condition of your company’s IT system.

IT outsourcing

That is the care of the IT system, which we offer as a more advantageous alternative to the internal IT department in your company. Outsourcing is becoming an increasingly popular and attractive solution due to lower costs and a wide range of services offered, without the need to employ qualified specialists in the company.

You can entrust IT support for your company to an external company that will deal with solving IT problems.

As part of outsourcing, we perform e.g. such tasks as:

  • computer network administration,
  • software installation,
  • creating copies of data and their recovery in the event of loss,
  • creating and maintaining websites,
  • implementation of IT systems,
  • IT security training for employees,
  • IT consultancy.

IT security is a very important issue from the point of view of your company’s security. Intrusion into systems, theft and loss of data is now a huge threat to almost every enterprise. New methods of fraud and data theft are being developed every day, and entrepreneurs looking for independent solutions are, unfortunately, most vulnerable to attacks.

Do not wait for the attack of cybercriminals – even if your company has a simple website, but a significant part of marketing is based on it, contact us and check if it requires additional security!

Have additional questions? Need a consultation? Call!​

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