Searching for people in Poland

Searching for people in Poland and Eastern Europe

We find missing and hiding people

Search for missing persons

The loss of a loved one is an extremely painful and terrifying event. Thousands of complaints are reported to the police every year. The fact is that most missing people are found within the first 14 days. However, one should also remember about unresolved issues that remain a mystery to this day.

The reasons for disappearances vary, but the most common are:

  • abduction against one’s will,
  • parental kidnapping (or abduction by a family member) – these are situations where a parent hides a child without the consent and knowledge of the other parent,
  • participation in an accident where, as a result of severe injuries, it is not possible to notify relatives,
  • all kinds of mental illnesses (including depression), as well as memory disorders or dementia.

poszukiwanie-osob-zaginionychIn our work, we use advanced investigative techniques. Thanks to them, we are able to determine the perpetrators of kidnappings and the place where they are holding their victim. At the same time, we do not act on our own. Whenever possible, we always try to cooperate with law enforcement authorities and actively participate in the quick release of a kidnapped person.

Parental kidnapping detective help

Parental kidnapping obliges you to take different actions than in the case of a missing adult. When a child goes missing, parental abduction is usually considered when the parents are in conflict with each other, each of them wants to raise the child in a different way for the other parent, or when they are in a dispute over custody. It happens that a parent kidnaps a child when he has mental problems or plans to change his place of residence.

It is very important that in the case of parental kidnapping we can take immediate action – unlike the police, which do not always treat reports as a priority. What’s more – the police can only become involved in the case after receiving a final court judgment regarding the custody of the child.

Regardless of the reason, disappearance cases are our priority and we always start searching immediately after accepting the order.

The time since disappearance counts

The common denominator for most cases of disappearance is the speed of action taken. Time plays a key role, because most often it depends on the rapid search action whether our loved ones are found safe and sound. The search for missing persons is one of our priorities. What sets us apart from law enforcement? We will deal with the matter immediately after receiving the notification.

If one of our loved ones has disappeared without notice and in unknown circumstances, does not contact family and friends and does not respond to calls and text messages for 24 hours and we know that he has not had an accident, you should immediately report him missing.

We have extensive experience in determining the whereabouts of missing persons. As professionals, we know how to act in such situations:

  • We treat the case entrusted to us individually and as a priority,
  • We will carefully examine every detail and circumstances of the event, which is why we will ask you about:
    • age, exact personal data and current photos of the person you are looking for,
    • a detailed description of clothing and behavior at the time of the last meeting, her distinguishing marks and appearance features,
    • her family, professional and health situation – we will want to obtain information about possible conflicts, people and places related to the missing person, as well as about any health problems. All, even seemingly insignificant details are important, which may turn out to be crucial to determine the cause of the disappearance,
  • we will determine the most likely variants of the course of events,
  • we will quickly prepare a strategy and take action with full commitment, making every effort to resolve the matter as soon as possible,
  • we will use the most effective investigative techniques for this.

However, some disappearances are settled automatically, because the missing person returns to their relatives on their own, it should be remembered that each case is different. That is why it is worth seeking help from professionals who know exactly what actions should be taken in a particular situation.

It’s up to you to decide which track the investigation will take. If you do not want the missing person to know that they are wanted, we will handle the case with discretion. We can also help publicize it by involving the broadly understood media. We are happy to cooperate with the police and institutions involved in the search for missing persons.

People hiding

Disappearing from your current life is in many cases a conscious and carefully thought-out decision. It happens that due to failures and life problems, a person simply leaves without saying goodbye and starts a new life in a different place.

People who are prosecuted by the state authorities (as a result of a crime committed), debtors who avoid paying their debts, fraudsters and other people who fail to meet their obligations often go into hiding.

Our detectives have many years of experience in finding people in hiding, so during the investigation they will perform various activities, e.g.:

  • observe people and places,
  • determine the debtor’s place of residence,
  • obtain the debtor’s details (true and/or false),
  • they will check and disclose the financial status of the debtor who evades repayment of liabilities,
  • they will obtain evidence of a crime in a completely legal way, which can be used in a court trial,
  • they will determine the place of stay and make contact with a loved one who has left the family.

Finding a hiding person is in most cases a complicated operation. Our team, thanks to their skills and experience, will conduct an investigation that will reveal the whereabouts of such a person.

Finding relatives and friends

Many people dream of renewing family ties with relatives with whom they lost contact many years ago, or of finding old friends from decades ago. Often, the lack of contact with the family also makes it impossible to sort out inheritance matters.

Independent searches can be time-consuming and bring no results. However, using the help of a professional detective will at least partially make up for the lost time when we did not know what was happening to our loved ones.

We specialize in finding people with whom he has no contact or who has loosened up in the distant past. At your request, we will obtain information on the place of residence of biological parents, children, siblings or potential heirs. We will find acquaintances and friends from years ago.

We will conduct a detailed interview with you, collect all relevant information and analyze the documentation. Our knowledge and established practice in this area will lead to determining the address of residence and finding the person you are looking for.

Have additional questions? Need a consultation? Call!​

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