Private investigation

Private investigation services

We conduct private investigations in Poland

Life doesn’t always go our way. Usually it is a very bumpy and winding road on which we encounter many obstacles and unfavorable circumstances. Some of them have consequences that we are unable to deal with on our own, and state authorities are not always able to help us either. Particularly difficult are situations in which we will be involved in criminal matters, not necessarily through our own fault. Then the help of a detective agency can be invaluable.

What is a private investigation?

The word “investigation” is most often associated with an investigation conducted by state authorities during which credible information is collected, supported by evidence. However, not everyone knows that it is possible to conduct a private investigation, which can accelerate the proceedings conducted by state authorities, ensure the punishment of the guilty or ensure acquittal.

We conduct our own investigations – often in parallel to proceedings conducted by the police, prosecutor’s office or other authorities. Our work is very effective – many times we have contributed to faster completion of proceedings conducted by state authorities. We guarantee full professionalism and thorough securing of evidence, and constant contact and cooperation with the police will ensure full monitoring of the case.

Actions taken during the investigation


During the execution of the order, we perform the following activities:

  • checking documentation and other materials, including police files,
  • collecting evidence, documents, identifying witnesses,
  • conversations with participants and witnesses of events,
  • local vision at the scene of the incident,
  • checking criminal suspects,
  • verification of testimonies with the findings and evidence collected by us,
  • professional and thorough inspection of the scene of the event,
  • establishing all factual circumstances in the case,
  • analysis of possible scenarios, causes and motives of the event,
  • observation of people and places,
  • discreet environmental interview and field activities,
  • and many other necessary steps to quickly resolve the case.

We specialize in determining the course of events. We determine the probability of an event based on the collected information. During the investigation, we determine whether the versions of events presented by the witnesses are covered by the evidence we have collected in the form of documents, material evidence or testimonies of other witnesses, as well as other important information.

Supervision over the course of the ongoing investigation

In addition, we can fully supervise the course of an ongoing investigation. We will keep you informed about the possible scenarios of the development of the investigation and the expected course of events at every stage.

We carry out various orders and the area of our activities is basically unlimited. We carry out activities in civil, criminal and other cases ordered by the client, i.e.:

  • in family matters (e.g. proving treason, establishing paternity, fair division of property or granting custody of a child),
  • identification of persons,
  • in cases concerning property determinations and search for property,
  • in inheritance cases,
  • in economic matters (e.g. checking the credibility of a contractor, borrower, employee, detecting fraud or examining the activities of competitors),
    accusations of extortion, theft, fraud, forgery,
    burglaries, extortion, intimidation, assaults and robberies,
  • in assisting in exoneration,
  • in helping victims of threats, blackmail,
  • in cases of fiscal crimes and offences,
  • after accidents as a result of driving motor vehicles (including while intoxicated) – reconstructions of events related to bodily injury or death,
  • if it is necessary to determine the address of residence, place of stay or place of work or business activity,
  • in the case of crimes against health and life (e.g. violation of bodily integrity),
  • in cases of disappearances, abductions, homicides,
    verification of information on the ordered topic,
  • in the case of mobbing, stalking, harassment,
    as well as in other matters not mentioned above.


We are able to check the credibility of the collected materials and, based on them, refute versions of events that are fictitious, or on the contrary – significantly strengthen them when they turn out to be true. At the client’s request, we will act as witnesses in court proceedings, during which we will present the collected evidence.

Private investigations conducted by our detective agency are extended by forensic expertise. We cooperate with experts from various fields of science – e.g. in the field of forensic science. Therefore, we are able to provide a range of services of the highest quality.

Have additional questions? Need a consultation? Call!​

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