Verification of employees in Poland

Verification services for future and current employees

Checking the credibility of employees

A responsible and honest employee is the basis of every well-functioning company. So it should come as no surprise that employers want committed and efficient people in their ranks. Because a well-coordinated and selected team means proper care for good quality of work.

Verification of candidates for employees

Hiring a new person is always associated with a greater or lesser risk. The employer must implement it in the company’s affairs from the very beginning. Often these will be sensitive and confidential matters that can only be entrusted to someone you trust. In this case, the verification of the employee before employment is of great importance and the selection of the right person can affect the future of the company.

The most effective recruitment methods are multi-stage activities. They allow you to collect as much information about the candidate as possible. In particular, if the recruitment takes place for an important, decision-making position in the company, care should be taken to choose the right person. Self-verification may turn out to be insufficient and not provide the most important information about the candidate.


Think about it – maybe it’s worth entrusting this task to an experienced detective agency – that is us? We have a wide field of action, thanks to which:

  • we will check the credibility of the information contained in the candidate’s CV) place of employment (we will eliminate fraudsters from the recruitment process),
  • we will determine whether the presented qualifications are real documents,
  • we will analyze the candidate’s preparation and competences as well as professional experience (we will verify the indicated universities, courses, trainings, previous jobs),
  • we will objectively assess whether the candidate’s image and personality traits are consistent and compatible with the position offered,
  • we will conduct a discreet environmental interview – we will check the candidate’s past and employment history (we will determine whether he has committed fraud, theft and other activities to the detriment of the employer in the past),
  • we will examine the credibility of the references provided and opinions about the candidate in previous workplaces (e.g. we will contact the candidate’s former employers and co-workers, we will check under what circumstances he ended cooperation with the previous employer).

When hiring new people, you want to be sure that the effects of their work will translate into the company’s success. In the thicket of CVs sent by candidates, it is difficult to find and choose the best one yourself. Especially since everything may seem perfect only at first glance. The later reality may turn out to be completely different. If you want to be sure that the future employee of your company is a person worth working with – contact us. We will verify the honesty of the future employee and you will make the right decision.

Checking current employees

Employee dishonesty is a serious problem faced by many entrepreneurs. Suspicions alone, however, are not enough to draw consequences against the employee. It is also not always possible to independently obtain irrefutable evidence of employee abuse in the company. Hiring a private detective will allow you to verify possible frauds.


We will quickly and discreetly determine:

  • whether theft and misappropriation occur in the workplace, and if so, who is the perpetrator (we will also obtain evidence),
  • whether the employee steals and gives company secrets to the competition (this may be a key issue regarding your interests),
  • whether business contacts are not used to obtain private benefits, including financial benefits,
  • whether the employee performs his duties effectively and reliably (we will conduct a discreet observation and at your request we will play the role of a mystery shopper),
  • whether former employees comply with the non-competition clause after termination of employment.

In order to minimize losses and prevent further losses, we will take action as soon as possible after accepting the order. The security of your company is our priority. We always act with full discretion and respect for the law.

Sick leave control

Disease does not choose. It can affect anyone, often when you least expect it. Especially when the situation is serious, it is not worth postponing a visit to the doctor. In addition, the possibility of taking sick leave comes with help and every employee has the right to do so. However, what if we suspect that an employee is abusing L4 unjustifiably?

If your employee:

  • often takes sick leave, also short-term, e.g. around holidays or weekends,
  • posts on social media holiday photos or from events that took place while he was on sick leave,
  • provides sick leave issued by various doctors and it happens that after the deadline,
  • simultaneously undertakes other gainful activities that may temporarily interfere with working for you, while taking sick leave,
  • in the past, he improperly used sick leave, as a result of which he was deprived of sickness benefit, care allowance or remuneration for the time of illness,

you have the right to assume that he uses the sick leave contrary to the purpose for which it was issued. We will verify the legitimacy of the sick leave and you will find out whether the employee acts honestly towards you.

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