Collecting evidence

Court evidence collection services

Collecting evidence for civil and criminal cases

Evidence plays a very important role in any proceeding – both in civil and criminal proceedings. Evidence may include, among others: documentation, items (evidence), witness statements and many others.

Regardless of how the evidence is to be used – to prove our innocence or to incriminate another person – the key is whether it was obtained in a completely legal way. Only then does it have probative value in the court’s opinion and can be used during the trial.

Evidence in civil cases – property, divorce and family matters
Evidence in divorce cases

Breaking up is a difficult time in everyone’s life. Divorce is a last resort and always brings a lot of suffering. It occurs when there has been a complete and permanent breakdown of life. That is, when the physical, mental (spiritual) and economic bond has disappeared and there is no prospect of returning to cohabitation.


A divorce case can be long and exhausting. The battle in court can last for months or even years, especially when the spouses do not agree with each other on property issues or the manner of exercising parental authority over their minor children.

In divorce cases, evidence is crucial, especially in the case of adjudication of guilt. Particularly complicated are those divorce cases that end with a declaration of guilt of one of the spouses. More and more marriages end in this type of resolution. It carries a number of consequences, which depend mainly on the evidence presented to the court. One of such consequences may be the creation of a maintenance obligation. A spouse who is found to be solely at fault for the breakdown of the marriage may be charged – even for life – with a maintenance obligation to the other spouse.

Infidelity is the most common – next to incompatibility of characters – reason for filing for divorce. Proving that one of the spouses committed adultery, which subsequently led to the breakdown of the marriage, is important in determining which of the spouses is to blame for this breakdown.

A complete lack of interest in the family, physical, mental or economic violence, alcoholism and other addictions are also grounds for ending a marriage with one spouse attributing the blame. In order for the court to confirm that the marriage has ceased to exist due to the fault of one spouse, the evidence presented must be irrefutable.

Evidence of treason

Cheating on a partner or spouse is always a painful issue. It is one of the most common and most important causes of marriage breakdown. Sometimes it’s hard to prove infidelity to a partner, especially when he can hide it very well. Suspicion of infidelity by one of the partners or spouses is one of the most common reasons for hiring a private investigator. Orders of this type are part of his everyday work.

While in the case of informal relationships, it may be mainly about making sure of one’s beliefs, in the case of marriages, the stakes can be huge. Proving marital infidelity before the court may result in assigning blame for the breakdown of the marriage to only one of the spouses. This, in turn, can make it much easier to obtain alimony from him for the benefit of the other spouse.

Evidence in divorce cases with a guilty verdict – contrary to the reality of the series – are not the lovers’ intimate raptures, recorded on recordings, photographs, or intercepted conversations full of tender, love confessions. It has nothing to do with the work of a real detective. Only the evidence obtained in accordance with applicable law will be of significant value in the court’s assessment.

What may arouse your suspicions:

  • the partner has changed his attitude towards you – both lack of interest and excessive closeness should arouse suspicion,
  • spends more and more time away from home – late returns, frequent trips, sudden changes of plans,
  • avoids physical proximity without any rational justification,
  • began to take care of himself excessively, although he did not attach importance to it before,
  • he began to hide his phone, changed access passwords and does not allow you to access the computer, and so far you had free access to them,
  • there were unexpected expenses – withdrawals from ATMs, receipts from restaurants, hotels and other various places where you were not together.

Infidelity is not only strictly making sexual contact with a third party. In theory, this is any relationship with a third party that exceeds the norms of decency or creates the appearance of adultery. In practice – spending time together, going out and traveling, spending the night in one apartment or hotel room, i.e. behaviors confirming a lasting extramarital relationship.

If you suspect your partner or spouse of infidelity and you need a clear answer to the question: did he cheat on me? – call us. Together, we will establish an action plan and immediately start the implementation of the order, including:

  • we will closely monitor the partner – we will monitor his daily schedule,
  • we will observe people in the partner’s environment – we will find out who the people with whom he maintains relationships are and we will determine the nature of these relationships,
  • we will obtain information about the person with whom your partner maintains an informal relationship – address of residence, place of employment,
  • we will obtain irrefutable evidence of treason,
  • we will confirm or rule out the partner’s infidelity.

We will verify whether your concerns are justified. We will conduct a discreet observation and dispel your doubts about your partner’s loyalty. We will obtain indisputable, reliable and factual evidence, which we will thoroughly verify and only then deliver to you. You will receive the materials documented, described and organized in a clear way. In addition, we can act as witnesses at the divorce hearing.

Determining the real estate of the spouse

The division of joint property is an issue raised during a divorce hearing, which is generally difficult to resolve. Not every couple before getting married decides to sign a prenuptial agreement, as a result of which statutory joint property does not arise.

There is a fear that your spouse will try to hide assets so that you get as little of them as possible. This will lead to an unequal division of joint property.

The amount of assets is also important when determining the amount of alimony, which depends, among other things, on from the earning and property capabilities of the person obliged to pay them. By showing assets of a lower than real value, a dishonest spouse may try to reduce alimony or avoid paying it.

If your spouse does not avoid gambling, alcohol or other drugs, takes loans without your consent or knowledge, and spends money unreasonably, it unfortunately works to the detriment of your joint property. In this situation, dividing your assets equally will not be a fair option. We can prove that your spouse wasted your joint assets and did not participate in their increase during the marriage. The evidence presented in court will contribute to a fair division of assets.

Searching for the debtor’s assets

Determining the assets is sometimes the only way to recover at least some of the lost money. Independent search for the debtor’s assets is often ineffective. They can effectively hide their income. We have experience in finding assets and recovering debts.

In order to disclose assets, we will carry out a number of activities, including:

  • we will search databases and registers (e.g. register of entrepreneurs, land and mortgage registers, vehicle register),
  • we will observe people and property, including e.g. a company belonging to the person to whom the order relates (we will obtain information about its actual connections, e.g. contractors, debtors),
  • we will determine the bank accounts we have,
  • we will analyze cash turnover,
  • we will conduct field activities (including environmental interviews),
  • we will find jobs,
  • we will follow the daily lifestyle – we will check the material status,
  • we will penetrate the debtor’s environment, we will establish contact as potential clients/contractors (we will increase the chance of obtaining information),
  • we will check with whom the debtor meets, we will be interested in the closest family and friends,
  • we will learn about open and secret sources of income,
  • we will prepare property documentation (photos, recordings).

The materials that we will prepare for you will help in the effective enforcement of receivables.


Evidence in criminal cases
When you are accused – collecting evidence of innocence

When we assert our rights, especially in court, we strive for a favorable decision. However, not all court cases end in a fair verdict. The accused loses his reputation and good name in the eyes of society and his loved ones. The feeling of injustice, helplessness and the mass of other emotions that accompany it may prevent you from taking independent and rational actions.

In such a situation, the best solution is to go to a private investigator for help as soon as possible. If you have a problem that you are unable to deal with and you feel that the justice system has let you down, do not wait any longer – contact us. We will conduct an interview with you, determine the initial information and analyze the presented procedural documentation in detail. Then we will start collecting evidence for the court, i.e.:

  • we will contact witnesses, we will interview people related to the case,
  • we will discreetly observe people and places,
  • we will collect material in the form of photographs, recordings, documents,
  • we will carefully analyze the collected information.

We operate efficiently and with due diligence. From all the collected materials, we extract only reliable and proven ones. We are objective in everything and the good of the client is the most important for us. We do not want to stretch anyone for unnecessary costs, so we will inform you as soon as possible about the chances of a positive conclusion to the case.

We can help gather evidence of your innocence that will allow you to dismiss the charges against you or evidence that you committed an act unintentionally. Especially in criminal cases, where the stakes are high, it is worth trusting experienced professionals – that is us.

We successfully collect evidence in all kinds of cases. We operate effectively and always in accordance with applicable law. The collected evidence is the report of our detectives, obtained documents, photographs, film recordings, etc. The materials that we provide to our clients are reliable, detailed and consistent with the facts. We collect and deliver to our clients only evidence relevant to the case, which is why they can then be used in court proceedings.

Need our help? – call or write. We will talk, together we will establish an action plan and immediately proceed to its implementation.

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