Business intelligence in Poland

Intelligence and counterintelligence services

Intelligence activities supporting business


The company’s success is guaranteed by reasonably planned activities and the right selection of business partners. Good knowledge of the current or future contractor will allow you to protect yourself against dishonest practices directed at us.

Business intelligence is the basic and completely legal way to verify a business partner. It helps in estimating the risk of entering into cooperation and also provides information on competition and the situation on the market.

We obtain and analyze all information on the indicated entities (enterprises, their owners and management boards). We examine the organizational structure, legal situation, staffing, financial credibility, and establish business connections.

Effectively conducted business intelligence:

  • enables verification of a future business partner (preventive function) or screening of an entity with which we have already established cooperation,
  • helps to assess the risk of cooperation and avoid potential losses, or recover the invested money,
  • supports the effective running of one’s own business,
  • it allows you to avoid mistakes made by the competition and to learn and apply its strengths in practice.

It doesn’t matter where your business partner or opponent is based. We operate globally – our activities cover not only the territory of Poland and other European countries, but also all other continents.

Economic intelligence is a tool that protects against all consequences, mainly financial losses, resulting from cooperation with a dishonest contractor. We can check both future and current business partners.

If there has already been a fraud to your detriment, nothing is lost. Economic intelligence is our specialty. During it, we obtain and analyze information from which you will find out whether by bringing the case to court you have a real chance to recover the amount due and you will not expose yourself to further losses (court fees, etc.). Together we will determine the plan and scope of action.

Economic intelligence is an open catalog of various activities that most often consist of:

  • collecting and analyzing information from open sources – as the first and obligatory part of the detective’s work,
    verification of the legal status of the indicated entity with the analysis of its activities, capital, personal and political connections, in particular the owners and management staff,
  • observation of people and property (analysis of competition activities, obtaining information about suppliers and recipients, customers, planned activities and investments,
  • obtaining information from other people (former and current employees, contractors, competitors, suppliers, conducting interviews in order to determine obtaining information) and from Internet sources,
  • determining whether the contractor or the company’s management are not suspected or accused of committing crimes, especially economic ones (e.g. tax fraud, creating fictitious enterprises, pyramid schemes, falsifying accounting documents),
  • scanning data available in various registers (e.g. Register of Pledges, CEIDG, KRS, land and mortgage registers) and publications (e.g. Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy),
    examining the transformation of the enterprise, together with the reasons for these transformations,
  • verification of financial condition, financial flows, solvency and property status – we check companies and specific persons who manage these companies, we disclose their private assets, which they often try to hide (real estate, movables, additional income) – because we often deal with natural persons who are liable with all their assets for liabilities,
  • determining information about debts, loans, leases and any other liabilities of the entity as well as about transferred or sold assets (it is possible that the counterparty reassigned its assets to someone else to avoid paying liabilities),
  • tracking personnel changes in the company that have taken place over the course of its existence, along with verification of the management staff (identity, qualifications),
  • obtaining information on pending proceedings against the entity (court, enforcement, bankruptcy, recovery).

We are effective in what we do. We operate completely discreetly, paying attention to every detail. We carry out all activities with the confidentiality of the collected information. We meticulously analyze everything and prepare a detailed report on the activities of the competition and the credibility of business partners.



In the era of mass access to goods and information, unfair competition is becoming a common practice and one of the main threats for every entrepreneur. The most important thing is profit, which is why companies compete in introducing newer and newer technologies and solutions to always be one step ahead of the competition. There’s nothing wrong with that as long as it’s fair and legal.

Unfortunately, the current market is governed by its own rules. Many players, wanting to remain number one at all costs – for them it is a guarantee of prestige and huge profit – resort to dirty tricks, breaking the law and the principles of business honesty.

Economic counterintelligence is an effective tool for protecting the interests of enterprises against the activities of competitive companies. Along with economic intelligence, they are an important part of the security policy of a modern company.

Economic counterintelligence is a way to prevent and combat unfair competition that unlawfully uses information constituting business secrets or trade secrets. In theory, unfair competition is actions that are against the law or good practice, infringing the interests of or threatening another entrepreneur or customer. In practice, these are activities such as:

  • counterfeiting and imitation of products (imitation of a branded product), use of trademarks, trade names,
    violation of business secrets (each acquisition, transfer, use and disclosure of data), e.g. regarding production, introduced novelties,
  • spreading false information and opinions, slander (concerning, for example, the quality of products or services, prices),
  • any actions to the detriment of the company (including corruption of high-level employees, stealing employees,
  • persuasion not to use the company’s services) and many others.

The rules prevailing on the market leave no illusions – only a constant fight for a position guarantees success and survival. Unfortunately, more and more often it is an unfair and unequal fight. Currently, it is difficult for entrepreneurs to protect themselves against unfair competition on their own. Our detective agency will check whether the activities of the competition do not harm your company.

The scope of economic counterintelligence is an open catalog in which, among others:

  • we examine the access of external entities to information about the company and the management staff,
    we take steps to keep the personal data of high-level employees confidential,
  • we monitor the internal environment of the company (we verify the loyalty of employees, including the management and compliance with procedures and standards),
  • we disclose unlawful use of trademarks,
  • we take steps in the case of imitation and counterfeiting of products,
  • we counteract money laundering,
  • we establish procedures to prevent information leaks to the outside and actions to maintain their confidentiality,
  • we analyze the company’s financial flows, accounting documentation, list of contractors and supply chains,
  • we disclose corruption and blackmail within the company as well as theft and disclosure of trade secrets and company secrets,
  • we detect sources of surveillance and spies inside the institution.

Economic intelligence and counterintelligence are tools that are very helpful in everyday business. Thanks to them you will find out what the risk of entering into a business relationship with a contractor is or you will make a decision regarding the current cooperation. You will be able to assess what mechanisms will protect you against the contractor’s insolvency (e.g. prepayment, bank guarantee) or you will end your cooperation. If you are a new player on the market, you will learn how to start your business well. As an old stager – you will strengthen your position and gain new customers.

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