Executive protection

Security of key employees

VIP security services

People who make key decisions and influence many important matters can be exposed to danger every day. They have potentially as many friends as enemies. To protect themselves from attacks, they often decide to hire professional bodyguards.


Protecting VIPs and key corporate executives is a task for the best personal security agents. A VIP is a person with a special status, which is related to the function performed by that person or to the property he or she possesses. A VIP is usually a public figure.

The main task of the protection agent is to guard the safety of the client. That is why we emphasize good physical preparation and endurance in all conditions. The ability to react quickly and discipline are also very important aspects, often even crucial, that a good personal protection agent should have.

In critical situations, especially when human lives are in danger, literally every second counts. That is why it is worth making sure that personal bodyguards are professionals in every way.

When personal protection is needed?

Personal protection is usually necessary when speaking in public among crowds of people. In order to prevent outsiders from accessing the VIP, professional personal security agents are hired who are focused and carefully observe the surroundings.

If you are:

  • a public figure who often gives speeches in front of a large number of people,
  • politician, ambassador or other important person in the world of politics,
  • a musician, an actor, a celebrity, a famous athlete and you often travel around the world,
  • a member of the management team of a large corporation,
  • a person who wants to ensure the safety of his guests who come from abroad,
  • a person – regardless of job and social status – who feels that their life or health is threatened in some situations, and you would like to feel safe or ensure the safety of your loved ones – then our offer is addressed to you.

Huge popularity or the function performed by a VIP person often force such a private person to be provided with personal protection by professional employees of personal and property security agencies. The VIP status may also extend to the circle of family members of the listed persons as well as their guests and associates. This may involve the need to provide personal protection to these people as well.

Top notch protection

Our employees are mostly former officers of various formations of uniformed services. They use their experience and specialized training in their daily work. High personal culture, full professionalism and the ability to deal with any situation make the client feel completely at ease in the company of our agents.


In the field of personal protection of people, we offer a number of services, such as:

  • preparing and securing places of stay and physical protection of the VIP, his associates and family members and other persons indicated by the principal,
  • protection during public speeches, concerts, negotiations, conferences and other business meetings in Poland and in the world,
  • checking, preparing and securing routes and flights,
  • transfer from the airport to the destination,
  • ensuring safety during business and holiday trips,
  • protection of foreign delegations during visits and business meetings in Poland,
  • protection of residential, office and other premises as well as protection of property,
  • checking, securing and protecting business meeting places in terms of wiretapping and threatening dangers,
  • other tasks assigned by the client.

The work of personal protection agents is actually much more difficult and dangerous than it may seem. We risk our health and sometimes our lives, even in seemingly harmless situations. We are comprehensively trained people.

Security of the protected client

We have a wide range of skills and features that allow us to keep a cool head and get out of trouble, even in the most difficult situations:

  • we ensure maximum safety in every situation,
  • we react immediately in crisis situations,
  • we are able to provide protection at the same high level as that provided to heads of state and other key people,
  • accompanying the client, we remain vigilant and sharpened senses at all times. What is important in our work is, above all, the ability to react quickly and think quickly – to ensure maximum safety, we maintain full focus and do not give ourselves a moment to relax,
  • we regularly undergo the best training for personal protection agents,
  • we work to make the best impression – we work hard to leave a positive opinion,
  • we know and apply in practice the law, coercive measures and techniques of their use,
  • we are a well-coordinated team in which women also work,
  • we speak foreign languages, e.g. English and German,
  • we undergo shooting training in security – we know how to use live firearms in practice. However, let’s be honest – the use of firearms is really a last resort. A good security agent can handle difficult situations without using it.
  • each of our agents undergoes a course for personal protection drivers – we do not let ourselves be surprised in difficult moments,
  • we follow procedures and not schemes – each situation is different and requires a different approach and unconventional actions. We treat each client individually but at an equally high level. An example may be the development of a whole system of signs with which we will be able to communicate with you imperceptibly to other people. If during a meeting during which we will accompany you, you decide that your interlocutor is not a good conversation partner, or you are simply bored with further conversation or want to end the conversation for other reasons, then thanks to discreet signs we will be able to react quickly to, under any pretext, can distract you from the interlocutor. That way, you won’t have to put yourself in an embarrassing situation and explain why you don’t want or can’t continue the conversation. We will provide you with the ability to react quickly in a situation where you want to leave the meeting freely, without having to explain this decision,
  • we have one more ace up our sleeve – we have basic medical knowledge – we are able to provide first aid even in extreme conditions, e.g. when driving a car fast on a winding road,
  • we have a number of other skills useful in our work.

We have extensive experience in the field of personal protection in the country and abroad. We provide protection to individuals and organized groups. We guarantee full commitment to ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones and associates – regardless of place, time and circumstances.

Have additional questions? Need a consultation? Call!​

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