Global travel logistics

Fast, professional, safe!

Planning and securing your trip in Poland and Eastern Europe

The modern world has become a global village. We have unlimited access to cultural goods and ensured communication between countries of almost the entire planet. This is related to the increasing number of trips made not only for sightseeing. The globalization of the world made it necessary to maintain contacts also in the economic area. This applies not only to large corporations, but increasingly to small, developing enterprises. They conquer new, often exotic markets, wanting to spread their wings and succeed on the international arena. This involves frequent business trips to various parts of the world.

Travel hazards

Perhaps due to the nature of your job you have to travel frequently. Then you visit various places both in the country and abroad. Unfortunately, not all of these places are safe and friendly. Traveling abroad is associated with the risk of theft of owned technology or confidential data of huge intangible value. Competition is not the only threat. Traveling businessmen are also targets of foreign secret services whose area of activity is economic espionage. If you want to be sure that the journey to your destination will take place without unpleasant surprises and you will reach your destination safely, trust a professional security agency that will take care of the comfort and safety of your journey.

Planning a safe journey


The most important quality in personal protection is preparation. When it comes to travel and all aspects of it, preparation is the hardest part. Especially if the trip is to take place outside the country, good preparation allows us to act with initiative and in advance, and not just react to crisis situations.

Good travel preparation takes time. The more you need it, the farther you travel. This is because long journeys make it possible to gain information about the client and plan the attack. Therefore, a long trip requires meticulous, thorough planning. Daily trips require less planning, but are just as important. During the journey, we provide the customer with the maximum possible safety and comfort of travel and, if possible, also privacy.

It is equally important to secure and guard luggage, in which valuable items or documents with important information may be transported, so as to prevent unauthorized access to it.

We do not overlook any area and we do not leave any area unattended. We closely monitor the environment around the client so that we can be prepared for immediate action in the event of an attack.

Everything around is under our constant observation. This allows you to detect deviations from the norms and all irregularities that could threaten the client. One of the guiding principles in the work of a professional security agent is to remain calm. It’s a tough job, so this job isn’t for everyone.

If you are a well-known and recognizable person or have an impact on key decisions in the company, then unfortunately there is a threat to your safety while traveling. It can take the form of attacks, abduction attempts, attacks on your life or health, or attempted theft. Popular people are often attacked by intrusive pseudofans and stalkers, and they usually have as many sympathizers as enemies. Therefore, we must constantly observe people and understand their non-verbal behavior in order to prevent a threat before it arrives and becomes beyond control. In the event of an emergency, we need to know what measures to take in a given situation.


Constant development and perfectionism guarantee safety

We are constantly developing and striving to perform our daily professional activities as effectively as possible. This is not an easy task at all, because this industry is specific. Our work requires above-average dedication and special predispositions in crisis situations. During an attack on a protected person, we become a living shield between him and the attacking aggressor or flying projectiles. When there is a threat to life or health, we ensure the possibility of quick and safe evacuation from the place of danger.

We are a professional security agency, staffed only by professionals with many years of experience. They gained them during many years of work in the State Protection Service, BOR, special police units and other uniformed formations that guard the security of the country and the most important people in the country.

How we plan customer journeys

We plan trips and travel arrangements in advance, but to maintain safety, we control the plan on an ongoing basis and, if necessary, modify the plan.

Preparation for travel – especially international – should include:

  • obtaining all information about the place where the customer is going. If it is a different country, the laws are relevant (especially visa regulations and those regarding the export and import of items and money),
  • checking the validity of the passport and visa, if required,
  • interview on potential threats and the state of security on site and the development of the so-called hazard maps,
  • at the client’s request or when the situation requires it, prior recognition of the place/country of destination, in terms of existing threats,
  • getting acquainted with possible restrictions related to the use of the Internet, mobile phone networks, etc. (some countries present a rigorous approach to information encryption and data transmission),
  • conducting the recognition of the business partner to whom we are traveling (we check its credibility, honesty, legal status, we analyze the relationship in terms of the importance of conversations and negotiations and true intentions towards our client),
  • preparation of a list of contact details of Polish diplomatic representatives (embassy, consulate) in the destination country,
  • taking care of the journey in terms of logistics (airline tickets, preparation of a route plan including transfers, etc.).

Very important! If you are planning an international trip and are considering using the services of companies dealing with security issues (VIP protection) in a given country – think carefully about whether it is a good solution. Companies operating in foreign countries, despite their legal activity, are usually monitored by local secret services and often cooperate with them. Maybe the safest solution would be to cooperate with our professional security agency here, on site and ensure comprehensive protection of our trained employees during the entire trip abroad?

In the case of domestic travel, we are able to check the route you will travel and, if necessary, we can provide insurance for the convoy. We can inspect all places where potential danger may lurk. We will collect information about the place/country of the travel destination and, at your request, we will make an earlier physical reconnaissance.


Traveling with a large amount of cash, important documents or other valuable items is always associated with great risk. Especially traveling alone can expose us to the danger of theft or accidental loss. Think about whether such a move will not be a good step? We are able to provide fully professional protection while traveling. We offer the protection of our agent who can accompany you during your private trip and during your trip to a business meeting. At your request, our employee will also guard your safety during the meeting.

If you would like to safely get from the train station or airport to the hotel or to another destination and return safely after the meeting, our services are aimed at you. Our trained personal protection agent will take you to any place of your choice. You will be picked up from the airport or any other place and we will safely transport you to the indicated address. We will watch over your safety and then, after the end of the meeting, we will drive you back. We can provide transport to the indicated place in a specially adapted, secured, bulletproof car, thanks to which the level of security is at the highest level. Our client remains under our care at all times, and depending on the needs – we accompany him everywhere and do not leave even a step or keep a certain distance so that the protection is discreet.

Why is it worth cooperating with us?

Benefits of working with us:

  • we guarantee professional VIP protection combined with the planning and organization of domestic and foreign trips,
  • we accompany you on domestic and foreign/international trips to the farthest corners of the world, providing round-the-clock protection and support,
  • we will protect you and your loved ones, co-workers, families, children,
  • we organize and protect business trips and private holiday trips during which we adjust our clothes to the circumstances and your clothes,
  • we carry out research and assessment of the risks that may occur during the trip in advance,
  • we prepare a detailed itinerary and the course of the route, taking into account details and alternative plans in the event of unforeseen events and dangers,
  • we offer – depending on your needs: VIP transport and protection during the journey to the airport or other destination or permanent protection during the flight and during the entire stay abroad,
  • we have the best and armored fleet that can transport you to a selected place in the country and abroad,
  • we ensure discretion and organize incognito trips (people from your surroundings will not find out that you are traveling and in which direction you are going).

Each trip is carefully prepared by us, taking into account the smallest detail. During the journey, we want to provide the customer with safety at the highest level. Safety measures should not start at arrival, especially when traveling internationally. During the journey, we pay attention to everything that happens in the environment of the protected person. From the very beginning of protection to its end, we have eyes around the head – especially when traveling with children, e.g. holiday stays in different parts of the world.

Our offer includes transport of VIPs, their families and associates on domestic and foreign trips with the option of personal protection. We provide security for individual clients and groups (e.g. during holiday or business trips). We work with business clients, corporations, embassies, the best hotels, show business stars, celebrities and people from the headlines. Increasingly, our services are also used by private individuals. If you want to reach the desired place comfortably and safely, and at the same time efficiently and without unnecessary stress – contact us and check what we have prepared for you.

Have additional questions? Need a consultation? Call!​

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