Wykrywanie podsłuchów

Wiretapping, hidden camera and tracking device detection services

Securing offices, cars and private homes

Nowadays, we have virtually unlimited access to the benefits of civilization, such as the latest equipment and technologies. Telephones, computers and tablets, which are objects used in everyday life by billions of people around the world, undoubtedly fall into this scope.

Technological progress and widespread digitization made it difficult to imagine life without electronics and mobile devices. Every day we use phones and computers that contain a lot of data – e.g. private information such as instant messaging, SMS, email, and work information. Often these are confidential data that must be protected against unauthorized access, which many people unfortunately forget.

Awareness of threats

There is still little awareness among the society of the threats in the form of a huge amount and widespread availability of equipment that enables surveillance, i.e. listening devices, hidden cameras or GPS transmitters. Polish law does not prohibit the possession of such equipment, but using them to illegally obtain information is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years.


However, the specter of imprisonment does not deter everyone. There are still many people who decide to use devices for unlawful surveillance. Therefore, it is a fact that nowadays we should guard our privacy at every step.

Unfortunately, we live in times where it is increasingly difficult to maintain anonymity and keep our private and professional lives in the dark from others. The information on our phones, tablets and computers, as well as the information we speak directly, is often confidential information. Obtained using spyware or wiretapping, they can fall into the wrong hands and seriously harm our company or ourselves. Unfortunately, many people still believe that the problem does not exist until it affects them.

What should arouse suspicion?

  • people around you know things about you that they should not know (because, for example, you kept this information confidential and did not pass it on to anyone),
  • during phone calls you hear echoes and strange crackling noises in the background,
  • you receive e-mails or text messages with suspicious links and/or attachments or codes,
  • you notice changes in device settings, even though you did not make them,
  • you notice that there are more new applications/programs on electronic devices,
  • while browsing the Internet, advertisements and suggestions regarding the topics you raise during conversations with others (not only by phone) begin to appear,
  • the storage capacity on your devices has changed even though nothing has been removed or installed (including software updates),
  • Your equipment, which was working fine until now, suddenly started to freeze.
  • money disappears from your bank account even though you do not make transfers,
  • you have lost access to e-mail or you notice suspicious movements, e.g. sent messages that you are not the author of.

If any of the listed items apply to you, or you notice other disturbing events, consider working with us. We will help prevent actions to your detriment or minimize the losses already incurred.

Detection of wiretapping of cameras and tracking devices

We offer localization services:

  • listening devices,
  • hidden cameras,
  • devices that capture information sent electronically,
  • GPS transmitters,
  • other hardware and software used for widely understood surveillance.

We effectively detect all spy devices. For this we use the latest equipment with the highest efficiency. However, it should be remembered that good detection equipment is only half the battle – experience, efficiency and precision in this area are of great importance. Therefore, independent attempts to detect surveillance devices, even with the use of the best technical equipment, may turn out to be ineffective.


We detect and neutralize surveillance devices, regardless of how they are installed and their power source. We are a team of experts who have gained their experience during many years of work in institutions dealing with ensuring security and protecting the state. The work we do is our passion and unique knowledge goes hand in hand with experience.

We will check in detail for the presence of wiretaps and other spy equipment, all indicated rooms, e.g. offices, production halls, buildings and residential premises as well as means of transport. We will also x-ray electronic equipment and other items and personal belongings indicated by you.

If we find equipment or spyware that violates your privacy, we will secure it and hand it over to the police or prosecutor’s office at your request. We will provide a safe space for business and private life. If you suspect that you or one of your relatives have fallen victim to unlawful surveillance – call us!

Have additional questions? Need a consultation? call!

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